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Why do I now have TWO Sophos icons in my MacBook Pro menu bar?

I got a warning box about a threat, and deleted the threat this morning. This afternoon I noticed there are TWO identical Sophos icons in the menu bar- is this a bad thing?


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  • I know this is an old thread, but I have the two menu bar icon shield problem, too, and don't know what the best procedure is after all the discussion. the last entry said that a version of 8 fixed it but I'm running 9.7.4 on OS 10.13.4 Mac mini.

    For a few hours one of the shields indicated an update being downloaded and slowed my Mac down to a crawl. It ended ultimately after a few hours where I couldn't do much work due to the glacial speed. I checked my Activity Monitor. There are two Sophos Home processes and two Sophos Home Finder Scans running simultaneously. There are about 15 other Sophos processes running as well, but they are not duplicated. Together they are using about 1% of CPU. My overall CPU and memory load is low. During the time of the "updating" there was no increase either, everything was running well within the range of normal, low normal I'd say.

    I tried this but the second command failed because the item wasn't there:

    sudo rm -rf /Library/Caches/com.sophos.sau/ ; /usr/bin/SophosUpdate

    I'm tempted to kill each of the two duplicated processes.

    Also I have no idea how to see the sophos UI. The app is in my Applications area, but when I double click on it, nothing happens. Is there any UI?

    What should I do? I can't work when the downloading is going on and it seems interminable.
  • Hi Daniel, 

    This issue has been resolved long back, in case you are still facing this issue, there is a possibility that the problem is with the installer. Maybe the old instance is still there which might be causing the issue. This issue is caused by having redundant configurations for launching the SophosUIServer process upon user login. One is in the login items section of the Users system preference, the other is a Launch Agent defined in /Library/LaunchAgents/com.sophos.uiserver.plist. 

    In my opinion, a launch agent is preferred over a login item when it comes to starting an app at user login. Thus I agree that removing the login item is the right solution to the issue. A reinstall should fix the issue.  Please refer to the article How to uninstall Sophos Home from a Mac. Let me know if this helps resolve your query.

    Haridoss Sreenivasan
    Technical Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support
    Knowledge Base  |  @SophosSupport  |  Video tutorials
    Remember to like a post.  If a post (on a question thread) solves your question use the 'This helped me' link.

  • Your smug touting of the resolution of the matter "long back" and technical explanation are of no use to me. I need a solution. So far, what you have provided has not helped.

    I was unable to uninstall it using the directions provided in the link you gave me.

    Spollght > Remove ...resulted in no option for  "Click Remove Sophos Home in the search results."

    Here are the terminal results; note that I did enter my password and it was accepted, the error was shown afterward. Am I using the wrong flag? Do I need -force -recursive?:

    [Dans-Mac-mini:~] olddanvaughan% cd /Library/Application\ Support/Sophos/che/

    [Dans-Mac-mini:Contents/MacOS/tools] olddanvaughan% pwd

    /Library/Application Support/Sophos/che/

    [Dans-Mac-mini:Contents/MacOS/tools] olddanvaughan% sudo ./InstallationDeployer –remove


    usage: InstallationDeployer [--ui] --install [--product_name <product_name>] [--tamper_password <tamper_password>] [--features <feature_list>] [--notificationId <notification_id>]

           InstallationDeployer --receipt [--temp_directory_name <temp_directory_name>] [--protocol_version <protocol_version_int>]

           InstallationDeployer [--ui] --remove [--tamper_password <tamper_password>] [--notificationId <notification_id>]

           InstallationDeployer [--ui] --force_remove [--tamper_password <tamper_password>] [--notificationId <notification_id>]


           --ui                     => communicate with GUI

           --install                => install product

           --receipt                => receipt mode

           --remove                 => remove product mode - must be run on receipt

           --force_remove           => force remove product mode


           product_name             => the name of the product to be installed

           tamper_password          => tamper protection password

           feature_list             => comma separated list of features to install

           temp_directory_name      => temporary directory name that is shared by installer and receipt

           protocol_version         => installers protocol version number

           notification_id          => the object on which the InstallationDeployer will post distributed notifications

    return codes:

           0 => success

           0 => The installation was successful.

           1 => The installation failed.

           4 => Insufficient disk space to install.

           2 => The installation failed.


           The InstallationDeployer must be run as root when the --ui option is NOT specified.

           Without the --ui option specified, admin authentication will be requested through the user interface.

    The removal failed.

    [Dans-Mac-mini:Contents/MacOS/tools] olddanvaughan%

  • Hi Daniel, 

    To investigate further and also for the swift action I suggest you create a support ticket. Also, submit the SDU logs in your ticket which will be helpful for the Support Engineer to start working on this immediately. 

    Please refer the following articles:

    1. Sophos Diagnostic Utility (SDU): How to locate and download

    2. Sophos Diagnostic Utility (SDU): Using the utility and sending files to Sophos Technical Support

    Haridoss Sreenivasan
    Technical Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support
    Knowledge Base  |  @SophosSupport  |  Video tutorials
    Remember to like a post.  If a post (on a question thread) solves your question use the 'This helped me' link.

  • Sorry if I was overly strident. Please make a suggestion as to how to proceed.

  • Thank you! Viewing posts from newest to oldest, so your reply helped resolve the issue for me. No more double icons in my menu bar! (Now... if only I could do something about the two footers appearing on this page. Heh ;) )

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