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ininstall the linux free anti-virus

the manual says to use this to uninstall:


however, when I try, I get a "permission denied" error.


what, please, do I need to do to free this up for uninstallation?


many thanks.

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  • thank you.

    after some thinking, prompted by your note, and searching, I am guessing....I am the only user and creator of this installation.....that I am logged in as an administrative user and not root.

    by further searching, again prompted by your appreciated note...I am new at linux.....i need to use the su and/or sudo commands. I am somewhat familiar with the sudo command, having used it a handful of times, but do not know <yet>, the syntax for the su command.

    would you consider  telling me exactly what to type in terminal to effect the action I printed about?

    again, thank you very much. I am in LOVE with linux (mint 19.3), having been in win 7 for ever, wish I had done this long ago........but some of that love is realizing how granular it can be....while sighing a bit about the learning curve. that said, it is worth it and I am determined!

  • Hi  

    I am not an expert in the Linux but su -root should work to log into the root of the machine.


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