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Sophos UTM Home Edition and Chromecast


I have Problems with my Sophos Firewall and my Chromecast. The chromecast got a static IP Adress from the Sophos DHCP and is reachable with this IP Adress via ping. When I reset the chromecast I can configure it with my Android Phone, when the setup is completed I can't reach it with the Google Home App except with ping. In the firewall I created a rule on the top, that the Chromecast is allowed to use any service for any connection, but I can't connect to the chromecast with my Android Phone. When I connect to my LTE Router directly (in front of my firewall) I have no problems to connect to my chromecast. The webfiltering is disabled in the firewall. What could be the reason for the problem?

Best regards


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  • Hello  

    Could you provide more information on how the Chromecast is able to connect to your android phone? Does it use uPNP or some particular port?


    Aditya Patel
    Global Escalation Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support

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  • Hi Aditya Patel!

    Sorry for my delay. I don't no why but since today I can use the chromecast behind the firewall and i don't no why. I just had to setup the chromecast completly new (I think that was the sixt time). Another problem that i noticed is that I have somtimes to wait between 20 and 40 seconds till a webside opens. Sometimes I get an error that the site was not found. When I reload the site than the site is loading normally. I have these problems only behind the firewall, when I connect direct to my LTE Router I have no problems. Can we work on these problems with this post or have I to open a new post?

    Best regards


  • Hi Aditya Patel!

    Sorry for my delay. I don't no why but since today I can use the chromecast behind the firewall and i don't no why. I just had to setup the chromecast completly new (I think that was the sixt time). Another problem that i noticed is that I have somtimes to wait between 20 and 40 seconds till a webside opens. Sometimes I get an error that the site was not found. When I reload the site than the site is loading normally. I have these problems only behind the firewall, when I connect direct to my LTE Router I have no problems. Can we work on these problems with this post or have I to open a new post?

    Best regards

