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sav linux is not updating as of ~10am PDT 12Mar

As of the above time savupdate crashes with the following error:

$ sudo /opt/sophos-av/bin/savupdate -v5 --debug


SDDSException for Unable to synchronise files
2019-03-12 11:16:28,010 ERROR savupdate.Updater: DownloadException
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 179, in tryUpdate
File "", line 147, in update
File "", line 784, in update
File "", line 934, in __update
File "", line 141, in throwOnError
SDDSException: SDDSException for Unable to synchronise files
2019-03-12 11:16:28,010 DEBUG savupdate.util.Logger: FAILED-TO-UPDATE-FROM sdds:SOPHOS
Failed to replicate from sdds:SOPHOS
Exception recorded in /opt/sophos-av/tmp/savupdateException.log
2019-03-12 11:16:28,013 DEBUG savupdate.util.Logger: ALL_UPDATE_SOURCES_FAILED
Failed to replicate from all update sources
2019-03-12 11:16:28,019 DEBUG savupdate.Updater: Successfully reported update to savd

I uninstalled and reinstalled from scratch, same results. is there a back end problem, a change in the handshake, gremlins, ?

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