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Problem with Sophos Rescue disk scan freezing after update of engine to 3.75

I've created a Sophos Rescue disk (SBAV) to run a scan on a standalone (non networked) laptop and the scan freezes after a while. 

I've tried it on two different laptops with the same result - the time taken to freeze varies between PCs but on individual laptops it always freezes at roughly the same time. 

After booting from the disk, the scan progresses normally, showing filenames as it scans, then freezes showing a message where the name of the file being scanned would normally be in the format:

PHYSICAL:0000:0000:0000:0000 (that's the format - I've not made a note of the actual numbers).

I started a scan yesterday evening and left it running, in the morning it was stuck at that point. 

Previous versions running the 3.74 engine work fine.

I've run chkdsk with no errors reported and also run a defrag on the first PC this happened on (it's an oldish XP machine). I've subsequently run the scan on a newer Dell Laptop running Windows 7, with the same result.

Any ideas?


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  • Hello Chris,

    can't say if it's the engine or some other part of SBAV. AFAIK 3.75 is not in use by other products or platforms, the Release Dates indicate that it won't get rolled out in the near future (except for Mac OS Preview). SBAV is free but the engine is the same for all product/platforms so if you have a license I'd suggest that you nevertheless contact Support as the engine will be released in the next months and the engine release notes occasionally mention Fixed issues reported by customers.

    Time permitting I'll test it ...


  • I have the same problem with the bootable USB scan freezing after 39:41 minutes at





  • Hello all,

    indeed SBAV hangs after a certain amount of time, in my case
    60:37 PHYSICAL:0800:0020:000:0021
    Apparently it does not depend on a (very) specific hardware. I'll try to find out more ...


  • Apparently the scanning freezes when the boot sectors are being scanned. Use the following work-a-round to scan all files but NOT the boot sectors: - Run the virus scan - Note the time when the scan get stuck - Do the scan again and just stop the scan with "Ctrl-c" just BEFORE the time noted above is reached. - A log file will as normal be written but without the boot-sector-scan and with the remark "Scan terminated by the user" Hopefully this bug will be fixed!
  • Hello,

    Thank you for reporting this, we are investigating to see what the cause of this is. 

    Are you able to confirm if it freezes at the same point each time? and is that the same on different machines?

  • On individual machines it always freezes at the same point. 

    It's different on different machines. 

    On some PCs it doesn't freeze at all and we don't see the issue

    We have raised a support ticket for this and it is being investigated by GES - Ticket is CPISSUE 6260 Case #8569339

  • YES: it freezes at the same point each time //// Times before freezing on 2 different PCs with almost the same HW/SW: PC1 about 39 sec. and PC2 about 40 sec./// For both PCs older versions of the bootable antivirus has been successfully used for more than 2 years/// Both PCs have windows7 embedded installed.
  • Hello PeterM,

    seems to be the same point on a machine. Hard to say whether it's the "same" on different machines but it seems that at this point more or less all files have been scanned.

    Scanned an older laptop with a 320GB disk, weird configuration, one Linux partition, one Windows, a GRUB partition, a small boot partition - Windows Bootmanager partition with GRUB "overlaid".  Scan ran more than two hours, finally it complained that Windows was in hibernation and it won't mount the boot NTFS partition. Then terminated otherwise normally. No error.

    @Mic: Seconds? No, you've said minutes in a previous post.


  • Sorry -you are right ;-) 39 and 40 minutes
  • Hello PeterM,

    ran it a vanilla Ubuntu laptop, SBAV scanned (as expected) only the boot sectors and completed normally.
