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PUA detected: 'SpiGot'


We have received multiple PUA's on 100 to 150 machines. The detected files are basically java script examples : after.js and background.js

please find the example : PUA detected: 'SpiGot' at 'C:\Users\k113899\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 2\Extensions\lbpcfgdgiemlcaggjhjcinhblflmgdlj\2.2_0\after.js'


These detection's came in off business hours and today we might see more users with the same alert. 


So my question is did this alert triggered from Sophos end ?


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  • Hello Amit Thakur,

    [I'm not Sophos]
    more detailed info
    what kind of details would you need? As it is a PUA detection it has been made by the Endpoint component. PUA detections aim to identify a certain application by specific distinct characteristics, details would be too technical to be of use. The same definitions are used for all products.

    not there on users machine
    what happened after the detection depends on the type of scan. PUAs can be removed with scheduled scans, On-Access scanning only blocks them. The machine's Anti-Virus log (SAV.txt) should tell what action has been performed.


  • Hi Amit Thakur,

    I would suggest you to open a case with our support for further details on the definition that was updated and to confirm if the new definitions caused these detections.


    Gowtham Mani
    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support

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