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Free Encryption Software

Unfortunately I had an old computer that crashed and I had the Sophos Free Encryption Software installed.  This software permitted me to create Encrypted files on my PC and email them.   

Now the problem, I have a new PC with Windows 10 and I have all of these .UTI files that I cannot access some of which I need information from as a matter of urgency.  Perhaps someone can advise me if this software is still available and if not is there a solution. Thank you.   

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  • The Sophos Free Encryption tool is no longer available. You would need the original install on your old computer to unlock the files even if you install a copy of the Sophos Free Encryption tool to your new computer.

    I suggest you take your old computer or, at a minimum, your harddrive to a professional computer store to see if they can access or even mount the harddrive to your new computer.

  • What solutions would enable complete access to decrypt so that he can re-crypt on the new system:

    In Pulling the hard drive and running the sophos software from the old hard drive, would that be enough to access the old files?

    Or would the crashed system need to be fully recovered to a previous state in order to recover encrypted files?


    Doing a little pre-planning.

  • What solutions would enable complete access to decrypt so that he can re-crypt on the new system:

    In Pulling the hard drive and running the sophos software from the old hard drive, would that be enough to access the old files?

    Or would the crashed system need to be fully recovered to a previous state in order to recover encrypted files?


    Doing a little pre-planning.

  • Hi  

    May I know using Which Sophos product was the files encrypted and can you brief your requirement so that I can suggest you valid options.

    Michael Mills said:
    In Pulling the hard drive and running the Sophos software from the old hard drive, would that be enough to access the old files?

    It depends on what type of encryption we are talking here. If it's just files encrypted and provided you have the key, we have possibilities of accessing the files. If in case it's the device encryption with TPM module, then removing the Harddisk will not be of any help in accessing the files.

    Michael Mills said:
    Or would the crashed system need to be fully recovered to a previous state in order to recover encrypted files?

    It again depends on the type of encryption and the state of the crashed system. Feel free to PM me the details if you wish for.


    Gowtham Mani
    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support

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  • I was commenting to the OPs reference to the Free File Encryption software and the situation in which he found himself (we are in the Sophos Free Tools community support area and he referenced the _Free File Encryption_ in the OP).  I believe I have a client running that same software and wanted to plan how I approached them prior to a system crash as the OP had experienced... but also preparing myself in case the situation of the OP happens and I have to clean it up.

    So on to your question:
    1) What kind of encryption:
    -  Sophos Free File Encryption creating .uti files

