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How to find out the MSO

We were using the inbuilt encryption option in the Enterprise console. Now I know this option has since been retired and moved over to the Safeguard Enterprise centre but we have one laptop that we urgently need to get the data off of because windows is borked and won't allow us to boot up the OS.


We already had the token so the only bit that we are stuck on is trying to find out the MSO user. I believe this is by default MSO, but I am have tried that username with all the passwords that were noted down with no luck.

Is there any way I can find out if the MSO was changed to a different username, or how to reset said password to something that will allow me to use the encryption recovery script and generate the challenge/response and allow me to get to the data in the Windows PE off of the drive.


That laptop is using Safeguard 5.61

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Parents Reply
  • I have actually found the password. Confirmed that is the password by importing the original MSO certificate onto another computer. But trying to run the EncryptionRecovery.vbs with that information gives me the following error

    > Fx_API_Base_Initialize():             OK > Status Code (0)
    > Fx_AuthenticateOfficer():             A database exception occurred. > Status
    Code (-6)


    And no. The user did not backup this particular bit of data.
