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Can't uninstall SGN 8 from Windows 10

On boot the machine says "SafeGuard Authentication Service is not running, no further action possible!

On attempt to repair or uninstall it says "The Sophos SafeGuard Local Cache is Corrupt" ..... "Error: 25300"

I have excluded the LocalCache from AV, and I ran the Disable_LCIntegrityAndBackup script, following, but still can't get past the 25300.

Can't make any changes to the software whether it's adding/removing or repairing.

The workstation isn't currently encrypted. It started this on the first boot after install.

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Parents Reply
  • This MS fix did allow me to uninstall.

    I rebooted and install looked like it was working for a while, then said something in German about a DLL failing to register, and now the machine looks like it's back into a shutdown cycle since it didn't come back on after rebooting from the failed install. It's at a remote site so I'm waiting on them to get in this morning.


    (Sophos if you read this post - "Your posting frequency has exceeded allowed rates. Please wait 5 minutes to post again." That's really frustrating. All I did was unmark a post that I never marked as an answer, mark one that helped me, and now I have to wait to post a follow-up..)
