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Status of SafeGuard appear with red.

I installed 36 Safeguard client. The installation is successful for all machines.
After one month, the status of 5 machines has been changed (it has appeared a red exclamation mark at the level of the Safeguard icon in the client without any modification at the level of Safguard Management Center.

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  • This exclamation mark can appear for a few different reasons. Normally it's because the user isn't recognised by SafeGuard, often caused by user has logged in locally without using the Sophos SafeGuard credential provider. 

    Can you also confirm that right clicking the icon within the notification area and selecting does successfully communicate with the server?

    Can you also use the status function to bring up the known state of the client?



  • I confirm that right clicking the icon within the notification area and selecting does successfully communicate with the server.

    But when i display the status of the client ( " SGN user state : invited user SGN ")

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