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Define a custom policy like a default policy



I need to define a custom policy that I created like a default policy that has to be applied to all end users. How I can do thi?


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  • I'm not too sure I understand the question completely, but do you want to apply a policy at the root level so that it applies to ALL containers/users beyond?

    If so -

    1 - You select the root of your domain/workgroup on the left

    2 - Drag in the policy (or policy group) you have selected into the main window

    3 - Automatically the policy will also include Authenticated Users AND Authenticated Computers

    4 - Remove Authenticated Computers so this policy applies to ALL users (and not computers)

    5 - You may want to check no override to make sure no other conflicting policies cancel this one out.

    6 - Use the RSOP tab to then test what policies will be applied to each user. Populate the user field with a computer name and click


    I hope this helps?

  • Yes. I mean that if I assign like Available Groups the "Authenticated Computers" and "Authenticated Users", this policy will be assign to all domain in automatically way without any necessary group assignment.


  • Yes - If you assign at the root and assign to all authenticated users it should apply to all users - assuming you don't have a conflicting policy.