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Synchronized Encryption SGN 8.0.0

Hi all,

I'm trying integrated AD with SafeGuard. I used Application-based File Encryption (synchronized encryption). I see SafeGuard apply policy for each OU in AD.

But with sync-encryption all of OU in AD will use only root-synchronized-key to encrypt. So, how to use each key for each OU in AD to encrypt?

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  • Hi  

    If this is the desired setup, you have to install Location Based Encryption (FileShare, CloudStorage, DataExchange) and create encryption rules for the keys location-based. Eg.\\Server1\documents with a document key, \\File\media with a media key and so on. Let me know if this helps resolve your query. 

    Haridoss Sreenivasan
    Technical Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support
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  • Hi Hari,

    Thanks for your reply,

    I know Location-based encryption can do that. So, with Application-based Encryption I can't select key use to encrypt for each OU?

    Eg: OU1 is sale, OU2 is technical. Users in sale encrypt pdf file, users in technical can still read this file. This is a happen.

    - XG v17 Technician Certificate -

  • Hi Hari,

    Thanks for your reply,

    I know Location-based encryption can do that. So, with Application-based Encryption I can't select key use to encrypt for each OU?

    Eg: OU1 is sale, OU2 is technical. Users in sale encrypt pdf file, users in technical can still read this file. This is a happen.

    - XG v17 Technician Certificate -
