Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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Help Troubleshooting - HTTP(S), User Portal, PING and SSL VPN have stopped working from WAN

Hi all,

Hoping for some assistance from a leg end or two! I'm a network admin so not a complete novice by any means.

I have been using Sophos XG at home for a while now (months not years), and i recently had an issue downloading updates to the Xbox One, even though i had created a firewall policy to allow all recommended ports through to the Xbox. After messing around with the rule and going through logs I decided to disable IPS and Web Filtering on the default rule. I may have changed some other settings while trying to figure out the cause. After that the Xbox could download updates. Left it like that with a plan to come back and look in to it further.

Unfortunately, something I have changed has broken access to the device from WAN. I re-enabled IPS and Web Filtering but it hasn't helped. I can still access servers internally that I have rules setup for, but I can't access the Sophos admin or user portals, and my SSL VPN connection has stopped working. On top of that the device will not respond to pings from the WAN. So far I've managed to confirm that when I try to connect through SSL VPN my account is authorised, but nothing happens beyond that.


PPPoE from Openreach Modem directly connected to Passthrough NIC on ESXi

Sophos XG is the gateway on

PiHole DNS is on

Device access has been configured to allow HTTP(S), User Portal, PING and SSL VPN from WAN

Valid SSL Cert is installed and has been selected as the cert for the XG. Hostname matches cert.

I've tried each service from mutiple locations, devices, browsers, etc. Initally i thought i had some how gotten my work IP blacklisted on the XG.

Is there anyone that can point me in the right direction. I find trying to work through the log viewer and packet captures cumbersome on the XG, but if thats where i need to focus my attention i will. It would help to know which logs i should focus on and what i should be looking out for.

Any and all suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


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  • Hi  

    You may access the SSH or Telnet of XG via LAN IP and capture the packet request and drop on remote IP from where you are generating the traffic to confirm the traffic is reaching to XG or not.

    command for packet request:

    console > tcpdump 'host X.X.X.X.

    where X.X.X.X is the outside machine or device Public IP from where you are checking XG PING, User portal access.

    command for drop packet

    console > drop 'host X.X.X.X

    If packets not reaching on XG then you need to check the WAN side setup.

    Once packet reaching and if you are getting drop or still issue there then need to check the packet request and drop packet to confirm the reason or status.


    Vishal Ranpariya
    Technical Account Manager | Sophos Technical Support

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  • Thanks Vishal,

    Leg end!

    While i was running tcpdump i noticed that half of the ICMP packets were being sent to an internal device.

    The penny dropped.

    While trying to troublshoot Xbox downloads i added Any to the services section on the Xbox rule so all ports were being forwarded to the Xbox, 443, 4444, 8443...

    Now i have swapped that back to only Xbox ports everything is working correctly.

    Feel like a right idiot...

    Thanks for your nudge in the right direction.

  • Hi  

    Thanks for the update, I am happy you are able to figured out the problem and you managed to solve it.


    Vishal Ranpariya
    Technical Account Manager | Sophos Technical Support

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