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Proceed on warn button not functional

Hey All,

Having a pretty strange issue and just checking to see if anyone else has had a similar experience as I'm not having any luck with Support.

User clicks 'proceed' after being warned about a website category - Alcohol and Tobacco in this case. For some websites, it works all the time, however, for others, it just redirects to the hostname of the web appliance. For the sites exhibiting this behaviour, we noticed that the categories are shown as "%%js_category%%" instead of Alcohol and Tobacco. We're suspecting maybe a bug on the appliance but not has been open with Support for over a month :catindifferent:


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  • We have been having the same issue since updating last month. I assure you contacting support is a waste of your time. After spending countless hours on hold. I was told that this issue was my fault because we weren't allowing the category for that user. They completely ignored the fact that its not resolving the fully qualified name of the site but instead give the IP address of the site when you get the "%%js_category%%" error. They have pushed out 3 updates this week. that tells me they don't know how to fix it and are guessing. We took one update last week that claim to have fix this issue in the release notes but on but it didn't resolve it. If anyone has taken i would be interested to know if they are still having this issue and certificate issues
  • Hmm, interesting. I'll have a look at it later and see if I can update today. Will let you how I go

  • Hello itmike,

    The "%%js_category%%" error you speak of is only a cosmetic issue where the category is not displayed to the end user, and has no impact on how the policy is executed; it's only a client side javascript error.   Due to this, the defect has a lower priority compared to other defects and won't be fixed until after the 4.1 release.   There was no attempt to fix this problem in the updates in the last few weeks.

    The release addressed the certificate issues when using a custom root CA, and certificate warnings that were appearing in MS Outlook.

    Hope that helps clear some things up for you,


  • Brenda, I disagree that the error is solely 'cosmetic'. On pages that have the '%%js_category%%', we are unable to load the pages at all. I just had support tell me that this is our fault as we are having a networking issue that is causing the packets to be dropped before hitting the Web Appliance. Coincidental that this ONLY occurs with pages that have the '%%js_category%%' being displayed.... :smileyindifferent:

  • Apologies for the delayed response while the Community system was being replaced.

    I appreciate your frustration with this issue. However, I should point out that the "%%js_category%%" issue is a symptom, not a cause of the problem. The "%%js_category%%" text is a placeholder that is supposed to be overwritten by a javascript in the page once the loading is complete. When the page load does not complete - if there is an underlying networking issue, for example - the javascript never executes and the placeholder text remains visible. This was introduced by some changes to how our pages work in version 4.0.

    We have made some changes to improve this which will be released in version 4.1.1. This update is being rolled out over the coming week.