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AP55c 5ghz defaulting to 24mb/s connection.

Hi folks,

I am having performance issues with my AP55c 5ghz channels. The testing is being done within 2 metres of the AP55c.

When using the 2,4ghz channels my devices connect at 144mb/s.

When using the 5ghz channels they conect initially at a high speed, but within seconds drop to 24mb/s. I have tried restarting the AP55C. This was happening before the latest UTM 9.5xx release.

The devices used for testing are

Mac Bok Pro (mid 2014)

iPad min 2

iphone 6.

I have had connections speed over 800mb/s previously.

Any ideas as to how to fix the problem. I don't see any way of reflashing the AP55c at this stage.

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  • Ian, what was the solution?

    Cheers - Bob
    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • Hi Bob,
    no solution.
    On the XG it shows 6mb/s as the default connection speed. I was experimenting by copying files from MBP to mac mini, the XG wasn't handling the traffic (at least the graphs didn't show any traffic, which was a couple of gbs), but the connection showed 650mb/s for the entire transaction. The data was being handled within the switch which interesting because it was a wifi to ethernet connection.
    I suspect the issue was caused when I installed a Netgear PoE switch.
    At the moment my internet is limited, all my landlines have been disconnected when the lines tech was repairing a neighbours pone/adsl service.


    home UTM 9.x running in ESXi 6 e3-1275v2

    AP55c and AP10 (courtesy Astaro)

    Three other UTMs, SUM and SFM in hibernation

    XG 15.x MR3 in hibernation

  • Hi Bob,
    no solution.
    On the XG it shows 6mb/s as the default connection speed. I was experimenting by copying files from MBP to mac mini, the XG wasn't handling the traffic (at least the graphs didn't show any traffic, which was a couple of gbs), but the connection showed 650mb/s for the entire transaction. The data was being handled within the switch which interesting because it was a wifi to ethernet connection.
    I suspect the issue was caused when I installed a Netgear PoE switch.
    At the moment my internet is limited, all my landlines have been disconnected when the lines tech was repairing a neighbours pone/adsl service.


    home UTM 9.x running in ESXi 6 e3-1275v2

    AP55c and AP10 (courtesy Astaro)

    Three other UTMs, SUM and SFM in hibernation

    XG 15.x MR3 in hibernation

  • Everything has been restored, but the 5ghz device show 24mb/s for the mac and 6mb/s for the android.

    I have the latest beta installed, no change.


    home UTM 9.x running in ESXi 6 e3-1275v2

    AP55c and AP10 (courtesy Astaro)

    Three other UTMs, SUM and SFM in hibernation

    XG 15.x MR3 in hibernation

  • I have tried the iphone on the 5ghz system at work at the phone connects between 100mbs/ to over 500mb/s.

    So in summary, something is broken with the 5hgs AP55C AP.


    home UTM 9.x running in ESXi 6 e3-1275v2

    AP55c and AP10 (courtesy Astaro)

    Three other UTMs, SUM and SFM in hibernation

    XG 15.x MR3 in hibernation

  • Update. Replaced my AP10 on the XG. Noticeable improvement in the 2.4ghz connections.

    Connection speed doubled on most devices (max 150mb/s), but not going to the 300mb/s though as per specifications..

    Connection speed on the 5ghz connection still sitting around 6mb/s. This is for both Android and Apple devices. Apples running 9.3.3 and 10.11.6.

    Will connect the second AP55 in place of the AP55c on the UTM and see what happens.


    home UTM 9.x running in ESXi 6 e3-1275v2

    AP55c and AP10 (courtesy Astaro)

    Three other UTMs, SUM and SFM in hibernation

    XG 15.x MR3 in hibernation

  • Replaced the AP55c with the AP55 and the results are the same.

    Also when running both AP55 with in 3 metres of each other, both connected on channel 36 even with auto channel enabled.

    Very disappointing.


    home UTM 9.x running in ESXi 6 e3-1275v2

    AP55c and AP10 (courtesy Astaro)

    Three other UTMs, SUM and SFM in hibernation

    XG 15.x MR3 in hibernation

  • my internet speed is now the same speed as my 5ghz connection, well nearly. 5.6mb/s against 6mb/s for wifi.

    XG115W - v20 GA - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20 GA

    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.

  • I have a fully licensed XG85 with both an AP55 and AP15 connected. All firmware is current as of today. With a 100mbit Internet connection on an AC capable Lenovo laptop I get 3mbit connections.  I know that the laptop can do the full 100mbit speeds az if I set the modem to gateway mode and connect to the built in AC access point it works just fine. I am not aware of any other settings to try. I would assume the AP would upscale connections to the fastest possible connections? Cheaper TP-Link device do.  I will open a support ticket about this and hopefully get a suitable answer. I have customers with AP55 devices and they will expect maximum speeds.

  • Hi Stefan,

    I don't have answer for the UTM yet, but the XG has a new fault issued.

    I will test all devices again in 3 or so weeks when I am home.

    XG115W - v20 GA - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20 GA

    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.

  • Update:  Separated the 2.4 and 5G speeds into 2 SSIDs.  Created a 5G group and added the AC55 AP.  Left all APs as members of the defaultgroup.  Mapped both to the LAN.  I am now getting full speed on AC capable devices connected to the 5G SSID.  Would be better if all devices could connect to one SSID and the XG could bounce things to the fastest connection.

  • Noticed my AP55 and mac showed 600mb/s while downloading files over my 5mb/s internet connection, but dropped down on completion.

    XG115W - v20 GA - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20 GA

    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.

  • The displayed rate is the one that client and AP have currently negotiated (which depends on several factors like interference, distance/signal strength, etc.), not the maximum possible.

    When the client is idling, they reduce it to save power.