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Sophos AP55 Firmware

I have a sophos AP55 that doesn't seems to be responding. It doesn't receive an IP from the UTM appliance. When it starts up the status led is green and stays solid.

Is there a tool available to flash the firmware? I see a tool available but the AP 55 is not supported.

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  • Hi Jacky,

    i've encountered the same problem as you, with an brand new AP55. After finishing all steps of Robins how-to I got the "bad magic number" error. I've solved this issue by using Robins size at the cp.b command. After that my Access Point works great again with the AP55 firmware.

  • Hi Stefan,


    I also got the same problem "bad magic number" after the first try with the correct size on AP55.

    So I tried it with the size from Robin as you described - no success.

    Then I copied the AP100 firmware to the AP55 with the name of the expected AP55 firmware and with the shown size from current session.

    It works. But I did not want a AP55 shown as AP100 in my config as described from Jacky.

    So I repeated all the steps now with the correct AP55 firmware and the correct size again and now it works.


    Thank you all!