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AP-100C, AP-55C, AP-15C nightmare

I have a mix of AP-100C, AP-55C and AP-15C access points connecting to myUTM firewall that are basically useless. No connections on the 5G at all no matter what I do. Ad to that such poor documentation on how to properly set up the UTM for separate SSID's based on frequency because the damn thing keeps creating new wlans. The IP sprawl is just ridiculous. Is there a working example ANYWHERE that has been documented on how to make Sophos Wireless Security work? Why does a Ubiquiti wifi setup auto select to the proper band and just plain work, but Sophos products can't? I ask this question because there is still no answer that can be found using any of the available search engines I have tried. A lot of people asking, and no response from Sophos. I've worked with this product since the Astaro days and I have to say I am no longer impressed with the value for the money, or the functional features. And by functional, I mean just works. Specs are useless wastes of pdf space when the products don't perform. If I am the problem fine, give me enough useful information somewhere in this unsearchable mass of unanswered questions to figure that out. Or tell me anything less than and APX access point wont work, or whatever. Or tell me I have to fire up the XG firewall that is still in the box because Sophos cant be bothered to do any sort of configuration conversion that works, or conversion instructions that can be followed to give me functionality that I currently have.

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  • Hello Mark,

    I don't understand your thesis.I often done things like these and they worked.

    You can select the bands for the APs like this:

    Then you will have something like these two:

    And the 5 GHz Version:

    You should avoid to have the same SSID and password combinaton for these two different SSIDs, because devices remeber the passwords and prefer to connect to the 2.4 GHz Wifi, if this is in reach before the radius of the 5 Ghz band is near enough.

    Hope this helps.

    Mit freundlichem Gruß, best regards from Germany,

    Philipp Rusch

    New Vision GmbH, Germany
    Sophos Silver-Partner

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  • Hello Mark,

    I don't understand your thesis.I often done things like these and they worked.

    You can select the bands for the APs like this:

    Then you will have something like these two:

    And the 5 GHz Version:

    You should avoid to have the same SSID and password combinaton for these two different SSIDs, because devices remeber the passwords and prefer to connect to the 2.4 GHz Wifi, if this is in reach before the radius of the 5 Ghz band is near enough.

    Hope this helps.

    Mit freundlichem Gruß, best regards from Germany,

    Philipp Rusch

    New Vision GmbH, Germany
    Sophos Silver-Partner

    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.

  • Thank you for confirming the Sophos solution is non-functional for me. I replaced my working Dell solution with the Sophos AP's and it has been nothing but a mess since. Now I understand why. You may be technically correct that I need different SSID's and passwords for each frequency band, but that is not practical for my users. It just isn't,  no additional explanation is necessary. The Dell AP's apparently have found a way around this issue, as do Ubiquity devices i connect to occasionally. Sounds like some developers don't want to put in the work others have to solve real world problems with end users I deal with on a daily basis. I will purchase a replacement Dell AP for the one that failed and started me down this road of despair.

    As this has resolved my issue I won't discuss that you failed to address having to create seperate ip spaces for each frequency band, then configure the masquerade function, then the web filtering, and, and, and... 

  • Hello Mark,

    I'm just a Sophos Business Partner, helping others in a COMMUNITY forum.

    This is what others come here for: discussing their needs and looking for info or help.

    Your first question was : "how to properly set up the UTM for separate SSID's based on frequency".

    This is what I showed you with a sample config. Sorry, that this did not work out for you.

    Mit freundlichem Gruß, best regards from Germany,

    Philipp Rusch

    New Vision GmbH, Germany
    Sophos Silver-Partner

    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.

  • I appreciate your answer. It has been very helpful and allows me to move forward with a solution that works for my end users. Thank you for taking the time to respond.
