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WAF log : too many logs

Hello eveyrone,

I have created a WAF rule on all my Website, which is in "moitor" mode :

I went to reverseproxy.log to see if I had errors, warning... and I have many many logs like :




Problem is : I have so much errors that I can't see more than 2 hours of history.

I've also downloard the reserverseproxy.log.0 file and it's not much better.

I need to have more history to give to my customer.

I've try to send log to central reporting in "CONFIGURE / SYSTEM SERVICES / LOG SETTING", and then check on it, but I can't find the same log with cookie, form_hardening errors...

Also try with a Graylog server, but same issue : I have logs, but nothing with cookie, form_hardeninng...

Do you have an idea ?

Thank you very much

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