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MS Edge issue with Web Protection - windows security popup

Hello All


Please help. We have started using UTM9 firmware 9.501-5 for web protection in Standard Mode and have run into a slight issue.

Browsing in Internet explorer and chrome is fine but every time I use Edge I get the following for every page I go to:


If anyone has any ideas I would be very grateful

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  • unfortunally we have the same issues (even in previous versions) with edge and firefox.

    For firefox support told us the following:


    Firefox does not assume the network and proxy settings from IE the way that Chrome does and so you will need to follow the steps below in Firefox to ensure the browser will successfully authenticate with SSO through the proxy.

    1. Open Firefox and in the address/URl field type "about:config"
    2. Search for "network.automatic"
    3. Click on the setting for "network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris'
    4. Add in the same FQDN for the UTM used for IE/Chrome
  • unfortunally we have the same issues (even in previous versions) with edge and firefox.

    For firefox support told us the following:


    Firefox does not assume the network and proxy settings from IE the way that Chrome does and so you will need to follow the steps below in Firefox to ensure the browser will successfully authenticate with SSO through the proxy.

    1. Open Firefox and in the address/URl field type "about:config"
    2. Search for "network.automatic"
    3. Click on the setting for "network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris'
    4. Add in the same FQDN for the UTM used for IE/Chrome