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Blocking sites using an expression

Hi Guys,


I can allow sites using exceptions but cannot seem to find a way to do the opposite.


How do i use an expression to block putlocker as it has loads of proxy sites.


I could use an expression like .*\.putlocker.* but how would I apply a block to it?


Any ideas





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  • I use tags for things like this a lot easier compared to expressions, as you can just put and it it will accept or deny all on that domain.  Then add the tag to your web policy.


    Thanks, Duncan

    Thanks, Duncan

  • Hi Duncan,


    yeah I already do that but the problem being that putlocker as things like .io .to .pr  etc on the end so have to go and find ann the domains. Just wanted to see if there is a way to make it more automated.


    Thank you for your reply though seem we are doing it the same way





  • Hi Duncan,


    yeah I already do that but the problem being that putlocker as things like .io .to .pr  etc on the end so have to go and find ann the domains. Just wanted to see if there is a way to make it more automated.


    Thank you for your reply though seem we are doing it the same way




