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sophos utm - Skype

Good evening,

I'm having problems in the release of Skype. Sometimes it does not connect and sometimes it does not send messages. Already I realized several skips, but without success. Can someone help me.

Thank you.

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  • I think you may have SSL scanning enabled in web proxy and this most likely causes the problem. I have created following exception list in the web filtering for Skype and it seems to work fine. List of IPsbased on Microsoft's official list of Skype for Business IP/URL. Hope this helps!

    Skipping: SSL scanning / Certificate trust check / Certificate date check
    Matching these URLs: ^https?://[A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.skype\.com/

  • I think you may have SSL scanning enabled in web proxy and this most likely causes the problem. I have created following exception list in the web filtering for Skype and it seems to work fine. List of IPsbased on Microsoft's official list of Skype for Business IP/URL. Hope this helps!

    Skipping: SSL scanning / Certificate trust check / Certificate date check
    Matching these URLs: ^https?://[A-Za-z0-9.-]*\.skype\.com/

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