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Block HTTP(S) Traffic Over Non-Standard Ports

I've been using the UTM Home Edition for some months now. I would like to keep people in my home from being able to bypass the Content Filtering by redirecting HTTP(S) traffic to a proxy through a non-standard port. Currently using HTTPS scanning in Transparent Mode.

While searching for the answer I stumbled upon a page on Untangle's site that explains a feature in their "IC Control" product called "Anonymous Proxy Guard". The article explains that:

"If IC Control recognizes that HTTP traffic is trying to use port 5000, the traffic is considered unauthorized and knows that someone has sent a web request to a non standard port, thus bypassing the filter. IC Control blocks the traffic, and sends a Blocked Website message back to the user. The user message also includes the port that the traffic was attempting to access." -

Does Sophos have a similar feature? If not what is the best way to accomplish this considering I have many ports open for various services (FTP, SSH, Steam, Google Talk, Skype, Chrome Remote Desktop, etc..)

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