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Block Downloads for WebMail


I think I have a pretty straightforward problem but I can't find a workable solution:

I'd like to block all downloads from Webmailers without blocking the site completely or blocking downloads from other sites.

Does anybody have a good solution?

Suggestions are highly appreciated!


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  • This should work, but it may be awkward in the future when you have other rules that you want to apply.

    In the Filter Action, block specific file types for all sites.

    Then, create an Exception object to bypass Extension Blocking and MIME Type Blocking for any allowed categories OTHER THAN Personal Webmail.

  • This should work, but it may be awkward in the future when you have other rules that you want to apply.

    In the Filter Action, block specific file types for all sites.

    Then, create an Exception object to bypass Extension Blocking and MIME Type Blocking for any allowed categories OTHER THAN Personal Webmail.

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