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cannot use ip range in the web proxy allowed list


i need to configure the web proxy based on SEVERAL IP ranges as allowed network list, but when i try to drag those ranges it does not allow me.


so as a workaround i created a network group and dragged the address range inside, so far so good but when i try to enable the policy it throws all kinds of errors in the bottom:

Web Protection → Web Filter Profiles → Filter Profiles:
The web filtering profile object cannot use range objects for the allowed network list attribute.


this is a very serious issue, essentially a system down condition as the system is unusable like this, ¿any idea how to make this work?, ¿or should i open a high priority support case?

something i would not even consider a workaround would be to define EACH IP in that range by hand and then group, but it's beyond idiotic as we're talking hundred of definitions and it's simply unacceptable.

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Parents Reply
  • What ranges do you want  to add, I checked on my UTM and was able to go to Web Protection -> Web Filter Profiles -> Filter Profiles -> Allowed Networks (just so were in same place)


    The I clicked +

    Selected Type: Network

    IPv4 Address: (example)


    And was able to add it.





