UTM running 9.315-2.
Block page redirection is using the shortname when our web proxy is set to Transparent mode with AD SSO.
For example, a user tries and hit a "bad" page they are sent to a link like this: http://hostname/auth?u=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5wb3JuLmNvbS8=
This fails because its not a FQDN which the local pc wont resolve. I've checked all the normal places for this short hostname. How do I change it to the FQDN?
1. Hostname under system management is set to the FQDN.
2. User portal url is set to the FQDN
3. Certificate for End-User Pages under Web Proxy...tried to change this to the FQDN
None of this works. Here is the weird thing. If i use transparent proxy with no authentication, then block pages are successfully redirected to a page where the user can select "unblock" and then authenticate and continue.
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