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Creating different messages for different policies in UTM 9.5

Hi Team,


I have a UTM 9.5 installed on a hyper-v instance.  I have created a new web filter profile and 3 policies under that profile. three policies were created for 3 different AD group users such as Fully allowed users, Senior managers, and users. All the other users which doesn't fall in to these groups are not allowed to use the internet. This is my current setup. I'm using standard operation mode with AD authentication. Every thing is working as expected. Now following is my issue....


whenever a user tries to access the internet who is not allowed to access the internet is showing a message "The specific website the user is trying to access is blocked by ABC pvt Ltd" this is the same message which other users also get when they try to access a blocked web site. what I want is to give a separate message when the authentication is failed.

Any idea how I can achieve this?



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