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Configure Site to Site between UTM9 to Checkpoint 600

hi all,

i'm trying to configure site to site VPN between UTM9 and Checkpoint 600.

if someone was able to do it and it work for him?

I will be glad to know if it works and how to configure this to work.



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Parents Reply Children
  • Hello there,

    we are facing the same issue, could you let me know how you solved that?

    Thanks in advance, Marcus

  • in SOPHOS UTM9 Site 2 Site - IPsec you need to configure first Remote Gateway.

    the Remote network should be the lan in your remote site.


    then in Connections you create the IPsec connection

    Remote Gateway - you configure before

    Local Interface - the local LAN where the UTM 9 installed

    Policy - CPEncryption

    local networks - the local lan where Sophos installed.

    and check box for automatic firewall rules.


    on the checkpoint side:

    edit VPN Site, configure IP Address

    don't checkbox the Behind Static NAT

    configure the Pre-Shared Secret the same that you configure in the UTM 9

    under remote site encryption domain select - define remote network topology manually and create the remote Internal network IP where the UTM 9

    next under encryption do this:

    next under Advanced do this:


    that's it.

    it works for me.


