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Cipher Suite with VPN SSL


Quick question does the Sophos UTM 9.2 support the block cipher AES-GCM when using the VPN SSL Client.  It is a compliance issue that the client negotiates using AES-GCM using TLS 1.2

If not, do we know if it is likely to be in a future release.  

The admin console supports AES128GCM, but I cannot get the clients to use this using SSL VPN.


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Parents Reply
  • Hello my friend ;-)

    Thank you, I need it for OpenVPN Site2Site for testing

    I use a VPN provider (Converted the provided *.ovpn) to UTM compatible.

    Works all fine with MASQ over tun(commandline) and Policy based Routing for specified Sites.

    But would get more performance , and because of that i would test GCM ;-)

    Set it to GCM over Restapi is not possible and if set in the config-default in chroot-openvpn/etc/openvpn/client/  it cant connect because of OpenSSL errors.

