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slow vpn traffic through utm

utm version is 9.707-5

I use the utm for routing and network security on my home network.

I have a subscription to a vpn service provider. The vpn protocol is openvpn (over udp). When I start the vpn service's client on my macbook and enable the vpn, my connection speed drops from about 300Mbps to about 1Mbps. The vpn service works fine -- near the speed of the network -- at all locations away from my home. So, I suspect I have something configured wrong on the utm.

I created a firewall rule to do some testing that permits any type of ip traffic from my internal/inside interface to any other interface and have logging enabled for the rule. The rule is in the topmost position. When I open the live log view for the firewall log I see all of the traffic from my macbook with the vpn client disabled. When I enable the vpn client, all traffic from my macbook disappears completely from the log. Not a trace of the macbook's network activity. The macbook is getting external network access. I can load websites just very, very slowly.

So, my question is sort of twofold:

1.) Any ideas as to what might be causing the vpn network traffic to traverse the utm so slowly? Why would openvpn over udp packets be treated differently than any other udp packet?

2.) How can I see the vpn traffic in the firewall log? My hope is that there might be some clues as to what's happening here in that log file. It is a place to start anyway.

I did try some general searching already but any search that includes the terms 'vpn' and 'utm' mostly returns results related to setting up the utm to be a vpn endpoint or to configuring vpn tunnels on utm. That's not what I'm trying to do. I just want my openvpn traffic to traverse the utm with the same speed as for all my other IP/UDP traffic.

Thank you for any ideas, thoughts, suggestions.

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  • Hi and welcome to the UTM Community!

    The other thing you might try is checking the Intrusion Prevention log for UDP flooding blocks.

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • Hi and welcome to the UTM Community!

    The other thing you might try is checking the Intrusion Prevention log for UDP flooding blocks.

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • Bob,

    That was it!!  Temporarily disabled UDP flood protection globally and now the VPN clients are seeing normal inbound/outbound speeds.  I don't really want to leave this protection feature disabled globally.  I see that it is possible to create rules that define individual exceptions for the IDP module protections (including disabling UDP flood protection for a particular host or group of hosts).  I was able to get that working for my outbound traffic but not for my inbound traffic (I don't have a definitive list of hosts for the VPN service).  So, I'll have to fiddle with this a bit more.  But at least I know what the issue is now.  Thank you very much for your help!  Really appreciated.



  • Hi.

    If you have remote workers not having fixed IPs using VPN you could just change the settings to disable UDP flood on the specific port and interface of the UTM, where the traffic is running.

    E.g. - but use your port and IP-Address:



    Sophos Gold Partner
    4TISO GmbH, Germany
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