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Slow VPN on UTM 9.7+, on 100x100 connection, only getting 10x10 when connected remotely

Looking for any assistance here.  I have an SG105 running UTM 9.707-5, we have a 100x100 connection at the customer's site, but any user connecting remotely (SSL VPN, authenticates against on-side active directory) is seeing quite a bit of latency in their connections of late, coming from varying locations.  They primarily are using a remote desktop server, and the response is poor, even with the RDP settings set to low speed connectivity.  Speed tests show that the connection is about 10x10 when connected for almost any user (and, yes, I am aware that the VPN overhead will limit that speed some).  I see no difference with IPS turned on or off, compression of the traffic has been turned off and on (same results).

The ISP is not having any problems that I am aware of.  Any ideas?  Happy to provide more info.


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  • Hi Paul and welcome to the UTM Community!

    In a 105, you definitely want compression off with a 100 Mbps connection.

    Please insert pics of the 'Server Settings' on the 'Settings' tab and of the 'Cryptographic Settings' on the 'Advanced' tab.

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
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