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DNS issue trought VPN

Hello team,

First, if the question was already asked, sorry for the disturb, but i checked and try so many things that i am kind of lost with this problem.

Second, english isn't my native language sorry for some misspell or other stuffs i'll prononciate badly.

I have an issue when my users (and sometimes myself) are connected trought the VPN.

When the computer put himself on sleep during a long time without using it, sometimes, the VPN just can't resolve the URL name of their network share, and even our intranet. This problem even appear when the user disconnect proprely from their VPN before the computer standby.

The status of the VPN is ok and connected.

They have to shutdown and restart their computer to work again.

Do you know why that happend and do you have any solution about it ?

Thanks a lot for your help and answer

Have a nice day


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  • Salut Erwan et bienvenu - welcome to the UTM Community!

    After disconnecting from the SSL VPN, it's often necessary to clear the DNS cache in your PC.  At the command line in Windows:

    ipconfig /flushdns

    Does that address your issue?

    Cheers - Bob
    PS Moving this thread to the VPN forum.

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • Hello Balfson, thanks for your answer,

    No, we already tried that and it didn't resolved our problem.