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vpn ssl client shared resources lan network

good afternoon, how are you?
I tell you I have a vpn ssl
client running
from a windows 7 I contain myself via rdp
to the local network and it works without any problem, I can see the network environment of printers etc, the only drawback is that I cannot connect to any printer in the local network
I do not have access to the network from the vpn, only via rdp,
Is there a basic example of how to allow printing from the lan to a connected computer that has a printer and is outside the network and is using the vpn ssl client,

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  • Hello John,

    if you set your DNS Servers for the VPN connection to point to the internal DNS of your (remote) LAN, then you should be able to "see" the resources there by their names. I assume you have "automatic firwall rules" enabled for that VPN configuration.

    If this is not working (for wahtever reason), you could try to access reomte LAN resources by IP address.

    Example: You have a printserver with IP an there is a printershare defined as "SALES", then use your explorer to go to \\\SALES to access this printqueue. If you access your printers directly (without a printserver/printqueue), then you would have to know the IP address of each prínter you want to use.

    Same thing with fileserver shares.

    You see: better you have a working DNS resolution.

    Mit freundlichem Gruß, best regards from Germany,

    Philipp Rusch

    New Vision GmbH, Germany
    Sophos Silver-Partner

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  • Hello John,

    if you set your DNS Servers for the VPN connection to point to the internal DNS of your (remote) LAN, then you should be able to "see" the resources there by their names. I assume you have "automatic firwall rules" enabled for that VPN configuration.

    If this is not working (for wahtever reason), you could try to access reomte LAN resources by IP address.

    Example: You have a printserver with IP an there is a printershare defined as "SALES", then use your explorer to go to \\\SALES to access this printqueue. If you access your printers directly (without a printserver/printqueue), then you would have to know the IP address of each prínter you want to use.

    Same thing with fileserver shares.

    You see: better you have a working DNS resolution.

    Mit freundlichem Gruß, best regards from Germany,

    Philipp Rusch

    New Vision GmbH, Germany
    Sophos Silver-Partner

    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.

  • Thank you very much for answering, I can explain better
    create a vpn via ssl taking as an example the following video:
    within that server my network has 2 cards
    1 lan
    1 wan
    dedicated ip
    within that network I have like 7
    all with reserved ip on the server, which they share
    folders and printers on the network,
    when I connect to a remote rdp terminal within the network I have access to everything (printers, shared folders etc ..)
    but if I try to enter from the computer that will open the vpn, it does not show me anything
    no computer on the network, even giving it the dns of the server and nothing,
    I would like to see how to share a printer on my computer that has the vpn client and share the printer and be able to print from both ends
    that the computers that are within the network can see my printer and vice versa
    thank you so much for help me,
    this software is very good product and very stable.