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Version of StrongSwan


How can I find which version of StrongSwan the current Sophos UTM is using? We have an issue with a Site-to-Site VPN connection and the counterparty is asking for it.

thanks and best


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  • Have a look in the log on your device. That may be your best chance. There will be a line like that:

    2020:07:02-11:24:29 sgxxx pluto[15325]: Starting IKEv1 pluto daemon (strongSwan 4.4.1git20100610) THREADS VENDORID CISCO_QUIRKS

    So it may be 4.4.1.

    Best Regards



  • Have a look in the log on your device. That may be your best chance. There will be a line like that:

    2020:07:02-11:24:29 sgxxx pluto[15325]: Starting IKEv1 pluto daemon (strongSwan 4.4.1git20100610) THREADS VENDORID CISCO_QUIRKS

    So it may be 4.4.1.

    Best Regards


