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Sophos WebAdmin Console unable to access using sophos VPN


Sophos VPN IP Generated = 52.x.x.x (this is the public ip we provided for sophos vpn to be used to connect to our resources)

Our Local Public IP if we are not connected in the sophos VPN = 161.x.x.x 

We have an issue when we use the sophos utm vpn using "Tunnelblick". We can connect to our resources using this VPN and it generate an IP of 52.52.x.x(Which is the public ip we provided) when connected. However when we load the sophos utm web admin console. The console return my local public ip and not the sophos vpn ip which is (161.49.x.x) we would like the sophos utm admin console to get the ip of the ip generated by the sophos vpn which is the 52.52.x.x may we know how we can achieve this?




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  • Hi John,

    normally you get a private IP from UTM within the tunnel.
    10.242.2.x by default.
    If you allow these ip range (or the network object associated to the user) for webadmin, you should be able to access webadmin at

    If this don't answer your question we need some more details about your address assignment.


    Systema Gesellschaft für angewandte Datentechnik mbH  // Sophos Platinum Partner
    Sophos Solution Partner since 2003
    If a post solves your question, click the 'Verify Answer' link at this post.

  • Hi John,

    normally you get a private IP from UTM within the tunnel.
    10.242.2.x by default.
    If you allow these ip range (or the network object associated to the user) for webadmin, you should be able to access webadmin at

    If this don't answer your question we need some more details about your address assignment.


    Systema Gesellschaft für angewandte Datentechnik mbH  // Sophos Platinum Partner
    Sophos Solution Partner since 2003
    If a post solves your question, click the 'Verify Answer' link at this post.

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