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SSL VPN Package


Is there a way to download an SSL VPN Package via Rest API?

Would be helpful on setting up new computers

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  • Hello Papa_,

    Unfortunately I believe, from documentation, you can only use the RestFul API for creating and configuring SSL VPN policies and not for downloading the SSL VPN configuration files.

    The alternative is to download every users SSL VPN configuration file, host it on a network share then then use deployment scripts to deploy the appropriate VPN configuration to the user by doing a user to filename string match (filename includes the NETBIOS uName of the user). This can be done by powershell but is the only other alternative unless you move to clientless via L2TP which can be set up as part of the MDT to connect to the UTM and just use the logged on users credentials for access.

    In future, please be more descriptive in your original question so to prevent misunderstanding and suggestions outside of your required scope.


  • What is not clear in

    "Is there a way to download an SSL VPN Package via Rest API?"

    An answer "Yes" or "No" would have been enough


  • Hello Papa_,

    There is no requirement for that attitude.

    If something is not possible, alternative suggestions can help with workarounds for issues that you may not have thought of or for other users coming across this thread.

    As the question is now answered adequately, I hope the suggestions for alternatives work well for you.
