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Unable to install SSL VPN Client on Win 10 MAchine [SG Series]


I tried to install the SSL VPN client that I downloaded from the user portal and "run as administrator". But it failed to install.

Any thoughts?

It's been years since I have installed this client last I heard there was a updated client you needed to download from the web. I did a search but my google foo failed me.




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  • It should work (have done many installs here without a problem).

    Did you also try to really login as an administrator and then install software (as opposed to just "Run as admin")?

    Managing several Sophos firewalls both at work and at some home locations, dedicated to continuously improve IT-security and feeling well helping others with their IT-security challenges.

  • It should work (have done many installs here without a problem).

    Did you also try to really login as an administrator and then install software (as opposed to just "Run as admin")?

    Managing several Sophos firewalls both at work and at some home locations, dedicated to continuously improve IT-security and feeling well helping others with their IT-security challenges.

  • I had one time a problem, it was a Home edition. Not very common in business context.




  • The install was over Teamviewer. The clients machine is a 2hr flight away.

    I understand that it installed fine on a Win10 laptop OK.

    Testing since 2003

    SG 310 home use

    Retired with Cancer

    Can be contacted for those bits too hard for anybody else.

    Plan to travel remote Australia to raise awareness of prostate cancer.

    Have you had your PSA level checked lately.

    Enjoy live you never know what is around the corner.



  • Had another go at it a week or so later all worked. Go figure.

    Stupid computers.


    Testing since 2003

    SG 310 home use

    Retired with Cancer

    Can be contacted for those bits too hard for anybody else.

    Plan to travel remote Australia to raise awareness of prostate cancer.

    Have you had your PSA level checked lately.

    Enjoy live you never know what is around the corner.

