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How to port forward? New to this.

I am helping out a office setup a port forward on UTM 9 Firewall.

here is message we received from software company need to configure the firewall so that port 22, 80, and 443 is pointing to Pace ( port 22, 80, 443....


Im creating a new NAT rule but get confused on what exactly I need to change and configure

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  • OK Problem solved. It appears other rules in previous order were overriding the ones I was making. Disabled them and good to go.

  • Glad it worked out for you. You've just came accross a rule of the UTM or any other firewall for that matter.

    The rules work order ie from top to bottom and once a rule is matched, no other rule is tried for that traffic.

    So if a deny all http rule is number 1 and an allow all http rule is number 2, everything http will be denied.

    I'd advise you to read the RULZ post on this forum and then have another read of it. It's a good bible to have.


    Also consider using the WAF as it offers superior protection to web servers compared to DNAT's