a System Up2Date prefetch and extraction is performed randomly once a day/week/month. We are aware of the missing instant "look for Up2Dates and prefetch now" functionality and might include such a feature in a future Up2Date. Please use the workaround as described in the thread pointed out by Snova.
>You are right, there is currently no upstream proxy configuration possible for >the ACC. We know that this is missing, and we are working on it. Until it is >implemented, you can manually download the up2date packages from our FTP >server:
>ftp://ftp.astaro.de/pub/ACC/up2date/v1.0/ >You can copy the up2date packages into /var/up2date/sys, run the command >"/sbin/auisys.plx --showdesc " on the console, and should be able to see/install >the up2date packages via the Frontend as usually.
Would be a good workaround if the mentioned directory would not be empty! Thanks anyway for implementing the "update now" button in a future release.