The displayed "devicename" for all ASGs appears to be limited to 10 characters. It's this way on every page. Is there a way to have ACC display more characters?
If you would like to see the full name of a device, please goto one of the Monitoring views, select a device and click the button "Details". On the following page you will see detailed informations about the device. Also the full device name is shown.
Thanks Timo. However it would be nice if the column size was widened to display more characters in the other screens. If one has a lot of ASGs and they happen to begin with the same sequence of chars, you can see how it could make the monitoring screens less useful.
The device name display has been extended to 16 chars in every listview and the reworked dashboard cardview. If the device name exceeds 16 chars, they will be appended with trailing dots. A mouse-over will always provide the whole device name. Configuration of the device name display length is not supported.