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assign policies to computer group

how do i assign web control policies to certain computer groups instead of to particular users.

i noticed that after i create a new policies, it always prompt me to assign to users instead of computer


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  • Hi  

    In Web Filter policy, you can only specify User and Groups.

    However, You should create a WebFilter Profile with all the Machine IPs in it and apply the Filter policy for ANY user group. This will enforce that Filter Policy to all the Machines with IPs added in the WebFilter profile. But you need to make sure that WebFilter profile is at highest priority if there are other Profiles with networks which would include the Machine IPs. 



  • Hi  

    In Web Filter policy, you can only specify User and Groups.

    However, You should create a WebFilter Profile with all the Machine IPs in it and apply the Filter policy for ANY user group. This will enforce that Filter Policy to all the Machines with IPs added in the WebFilter profile. But you need to make sure that WebFilter profile is at highest priority if there are other Profiles with networks which would include the Machine IPs. 



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