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SUM reset Location of UTMs


I have in my SUM some UTMs and has set the Location, like State, Country …… then i have set the coordinates to the SUM so they will Show in the map in the Right Position.

After About 5 to 10 Minutes the Location will be set to a Location that the UTM never was. like Afghanistan.


Where is the Problem?

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  • Hello!

    I have the same issue - SUM showing incorrect Lat/Long for UTMs registered with the SUM. Checking GeoIP locations from relevant IPs returns correct location from is correct, but on the SUM it reverts to incorrect locations. Have you checked? Anyone know how SUM updates its GeoIP information? is it a manual process or workaround?

  • Hello!

    I have the same issue - SUM showing incorrect Lat/Long for UTMs registered with the SUM. Checking GeoIP locations from relevant IPs returns correct location from is correct, but on the SUM it reverts to incorrect locations. Have you checked? Anyone know how SUM updates its GeoIP information? is it a manual process or workaround?

  • You can check the GeoIP database from the command line with geoiplookup.  If there's a discrepancy, you might want to open a case with Sophos to let them know, but it will likely already be corrected by the time they check on it.  If the database is correct and you still see that it changes to Afghanistan, you've found a bug.

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • Hey Bob,


    Here i made a Screenshot to You.

    The City in the Blue Circle had i Changed by Hand.

    The Parameters in the red had i cahnged to correct Position, state and Country.

    Meanwhile it changes only in Germany. but to the complete wrong states.

    I never clicked on the geo IP button.


    When I cchange it again then will it Change back to something other afer a while automaticly.