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UTM9 + Windows 10 Updates

I am having an issue with Windows 10 Updates.
Although it recognises the Updates it is not downloading the sources.
I have the latest Home build and also configured exceptions for Microsoft.
The Livelog states that it drops tcp packets but not why.
Do you have any clues.
Thank you

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  • Please tell me how it works, would be helpful sometimes! ;-)


    You've given no details about your configuration, so we don't know anything and can only guess what's the cause.
    When speaking of dropping TCP packets we seem to have no proxy involved, dropped packets should always have more informations than the red color.

    Please give a few more details to your configuration and then show a screenshot or post a part of the log entries you refer to.

    Gruß / Regards,

    Sophos CE/CA (XG+UTM), Gold Partner

  • Please tell me how it works, would be helpful sometimes! ;-)


    You've given no details about your configuration, so we don't know anything and can only guess what's the cause.
    When speaking of dropping TCP packets we seem to have no proxy involved, dropped packets should always have more informations than the red color.

    Please give a few more details to your configuration and then show a screenshot or post a part of the log entries you refer to.

    Gruß / Regards,

    Sophos CE/CA (XG+UTM), Gold Partner

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