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RED 15 System led red

Hi all,

This question has been asked more then once but I never found the answer.

I use my RED15 only on holidays. Last year after holiday the RED was disconnected in a working condition. Now at the beginning of a new holiday the RED will not boot. Directly after power on, the system led is continuously red and the router-, internet- and tunnel leds are continuously green so not flashing. Nothing is changed to the RED and at the home side there is nothing changed to the UTM9 except updates pushed by Sophos.

Please help me solving this issue.

Thanks, Ed.

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  • Do you have a power plug for another Sophos device (wireless AP maybe) with you? I've often seen them failing.
    If a capacitor is dried out you get 12V-pulses in 100Hz instead of continuous power (seen on the scope) and exactly this picture. LEDs are lit but the device does not (fully) come up.
    Depending on your support contract you can also try the "24hr advance replacement", but we never had any good luck with that in the last couple of years.
    As a fast solution maybe a colleague on-site can set up remote access with openvpn or sophos connect for you.

  • Do you have a power plug for another Sophos device (wireless AP maybe) with you? I've often seen them failing.
    If a capacitor is dried out you get 12V-pulses in 100Hz instead of continuous power (seen on the scope) and exactly this picture. LEDs are lit but the device does not (fully) come up.
    Depending on your support contract you can also try the "24hr advance replacement", but we never had any good luck with that in the last couple of years.
    As a fast solution maybe a colleague on-site can set up remote access with openvpn or sophos connect for you.

  • Thanks for your answers. I've tried another power adapter with the same result. And there is no reset button on the back side of the RED15.

    Is it realy not possible to (re)load (new) firmware on the RED with an USB Stick?

  • Does the device have a console port? Rev.1 did IIRC. You can connect it with any Cisco-compatible cable.
    Does it show any boot messages? Maybe the U-Boot loader gets stuck for any reason, i.e. bad flash.
    If you come to the boot loader you can mount flash devices, tftp from network (needs to be set up first) or xmodem the file.

  • Alan,

    Yes, it has a console port. I have a Cisco cable at home. I am now on holiday but in 1 1/2 week I'm back home. Then I Will connect the RED to a PC with the Cisco cable and reply with te results.

    Thanks, Ed.