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REDs are disconnecting


since 3-4 weeks we have trouble with our RED tunnels. They are disconnecting very often. We changed nothing. The only thing we´ve done is the newest firmware 9.705-3. The disconnects appear without disconnecting from the WAN interfaces.

Our setup is redundant. We have 7 locations, each with 2 RED tunnels to each location. Autofailover with OSPF. No problems until now.

Are there known problems with updates in relation to RED tunnels?

What is a good log to watch other than the RED log pingpong...

Thank you


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  • Did you guys actually have proof, that the ISP is not messing around this time? 

    tcpdumps of those connections would be helpful from both ends (if possible). 

    As usual, such issues are hard to impossible to solve. 

    Because you need to verify, the connection is dropped, and if you have a tcpdump, which indicates, the packets are not arriving, you can little do, to solve this. Its likely the ISP could have some problems or your router in front of the REDs have issues. 

    This kind of issues are older than RED itself. 


  • Hi Lucar Toni,

    we have diferent ISPs here, and all Reds are going down same time, while the UTM at the Main Place is still up and reachable, also the modems from the remote sites are up and reachable. I had a lot of phone calls with the isp here at the main place, where the utm is. They never found a Problem. I also can see that there is no Problem. Was pinging 5 remote sites for few days. There is nearly no paket drop. Finally the isp let us chenge the modem at the utm tomorow. We will see if this helps.

    Main where utm is

    remote site, behind red

  • Try to perform a ringbuffer dump on UTM port 3400 and port 3410 and cross reference, if there are packets or not. 
