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SD-RED20 on UTM SG210 Firmware 9.703-3 disconnects/reconnects every 30 minutes

I just set up a SD-RED20 device on my Sophos SG210 UTM with firmware 9.703-3. Every 30 minutes, the RED20 would disconnect and reconnect 5 times in 5 minutes.

I have RED 15's and RED50's on my UTM which are running stable with no issues.

Anyone else experiencing this issue?

Here's the RED Log:

2020:08:14-10:56:16: command '{"data":{"message":"Unstable peers","type":"RUNTIME_ERROR_OCCURRED"},"type":"DISCONNECT"}'
2020:08:14-10:56:16: Disconnecting: RUNTIME_ERROR_OCCURRED, Unstable peers
2020:08:14-10:56:16 id="4202" severity="info" sys="System" sub="RED" name="RED Tunnel Down" red_id="XXXXXXXXXXXXX" forced="1"
2020:08:14-10:56:16 : XXXXXXXXXXXXX is disconnected.


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