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Hello everyone,

i have been trying to connect a RED50 device to another XG device, the RED seems to power up and connect to the Old UTM ( i can see it  displayed connect to a tunnel with a public ip of the UTM) even though i have created a new interface on the NEW firewall. The interface has been added with the correct unlock code and RED ID but the interface is offline because the RED is not attempting connection to it

is there a way i can stop it from connecting to the old UTM and make it go back to the provisioning server for its configuration?

or can i just reset the device from the console?

i need answers please as i have been stuck with this for days.

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  • seems the RED is working with old settings ...

    Possible because RED is unable to connect/reach the broker server...

    First i would delete the RED from old UTM.

    Next connect a Notebook/PC to the Port where RED is connected normally.

    Do you got IP / DNS?

    You are able to reach websites now?


    Systema Gesellschaft für angewandte Datentechnik mbH  // Sophos Platinum Partner
    Sophos Solution Partner since 2003
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  • seems the RED is working with old settings ...

    Possible because RED is unable to connect/reach the broker server...

    First i would delete the RED from old UTM.

    Next connect a Notebook/PC to the Port where RED is connected normally.

    Do you got IP / DNS?

    You are able to reach websites now?


    Systema Gesellschaft für angewandte Datentechnik mbH  // Sophos Platinum Partner
    Sophos Solution Partner since 2003
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  • Hello dirkkotte



    First i would delete the RED from old UTM.

    i don't have access to this device as i'm about to do a Proof of concept for my client and this box has been passed around by the sophos reseller for this purpose to everyone who wishes to do a POC(live demo) for clients. The only thing i have is the unlock code,  this has been a hassle getting them to reach the last person to use the device and also get to a customer site to remove the interface from their UTM. Because i initially thought about that

    is there any other troubleshooting i can do to resolve this 


    Next connect a Notebook/PC to the Port where RED is connected normally.

    Do you got IP / DNS?

    You are able to reach websites now?

    i tried this and the DHCP IP and DNS were all good,

    DNS server can resolve too.


    Thanks in advance

  • you can try to configure the RED with USB-Stick ...temporary...

    You have to delete the device and recreate with provisioning-mode USB. --write down the unlock codes ---




    Systema Gesellschaft für angewandte Datentechnik mbH  // Sophos Platinum Partner
    Sophos Solution Partner since 2003
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  • Thanks Dirk

    i already tried to load it manually using a USB stick but upon reloading i can see a wrong unlock code error

    i used the last unlock code that was on the RED interface when i successfully created it using the automatic provisioning

    which unlock code am i supposed to used for offline provisioning since that is giving me error? because i now have 3 unlock codes after the initial one, then creating and deleting the interface twice (writing down the codes after each time)