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Assistance Remote Device access

Hi all,


Im working on set up a rule that let me connect my two assistance devices one local device and the other one on remote network, i created a rule and it seems to establish communication but when i do test does not work


here is my rule:




it allow pass some data packtes thru network:


I did some troubleshooting with wireshark and show some BAD TCP PACKETS:

Can someone helpme understand whats happening and why some packets are getting dropped, also i use other program and i notice that alot of packets are getting dropped:

Here is my local device:

and the remote


Can someone help me please

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  • The firewall rule you have configured will allow you to create a connection to the remote device and the relevant packets back to the network. However, if a network connection was initiated from the other side, it will not be able to connect to your Internal device as packets would be dropped at UTM.

    It would help if you can check with the packetfilter.log or firewall log for this communication. It might give you an idea about what is going on with this traffic.



  • The firewall rule you have configured will allow you to create a connection to the remote device and the relevant packets back to the network. However, if a network connection was initiated from the other side, it will not be able to connect to your Internal device as packets would be dropped at UTM.

    It would help if you can check with the packetfilter.log or firewall log for this communication. It might give you an idea about what is going on with this traffic.


