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How can I get the RED remote IP via REST API?


I need to find out how a RED device is connected to the UTM. I want to know whether the RED uses its WAN interface or its USB stick connection via LTE/UMTS/GSM etc. Is there a way to determine this via the REST API or any other way? I don't want to reverse engineer the webadmin interface to get the information. Though I would be able to do that too. But I am not sure my customer would like that kind of way of retrieval.

I thought about reading the IP address that the RED uses. But I couldn't find the right api call for that. Any suggestions?



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  • I also know that the information is located in the /var/log/red.log

    I could grep for "SELF: New connection from \d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+ with ID IdOfMyREDdevice"

    This would give me the IP the RED device connects from.

    So is there a way to read the log without shell or webadmin access?

  • I also know that the information is located in the /var/log/red.log

    I could grep for "SELF: New connection from \d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+ with ID IdOfMyREDdevice"

    This would give me the IP the RED device connects from.

    So is there a way to read the log without shell or webadmin access?

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