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https inspection - decrypt and scan using public cert?

We're currently using https inspection but for URL filtering only. We want to move it up a notch and use decrypt and scan.

I understand the concept with trusting the root CA for the UTM if this was a private cert and the need to install/trust the root CA on each device which can be a fair amount of work to get through if looking at hundreds of clients. Even if in a windows domain where the trust could be deployed via a GPO etc, it can still be troublesome eg android devices etc.

So the question is..... is all this trouble and effort avoided by purchasing a certificated from a trusted root authority eg Digicert etc? And would a wildcard suffice for this?

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  • No.  What you are doing with HTTPS scanning is telling clients that the proxy certificate issued by the proxy CA is valid for all sites.  You would not get a valid public certificate from a CA that does this (or at least I certainly hope not).  For mobile devices, you can typically visit hxxp:// and it should prompt clients to install the certificate.  I am not aware of a automated way to do this via android clients though.

  • No.  What you are doing with HTTPS scanning is telling clients that the proxy certificate issued by the proxy CA is valid for all sites.  You would not get a valid public certificate from a CA that does this (or at least I certainly hope not).  For mobile devices, you can typically visit hxxp:// and it should prompt clients to install the certificate.  I am not aware of a automated way to do this via android clients though.

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