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Port forwarding issue

I am setting up a secondary web server in my network so I cannot use ports 80/443 so I need to use port 6080/6443 and then ports are redirected to 80/443

Locally I can access the site but remotely not.

The below is the configuration done on my UTM

Definition and users> network definition


Then went to service definitions: (not sure if the below are correct but tried both 1:65535 and 6080:65535)



Network protection> firewall



Firewall protection>NAT

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  • Your service definitions are wrong. Delete them and recreate two seperate definitions with just the specified ports 6080 & 6443. You do not redirect here. You merely specify the ports.

    You then go to DNAT:

    For traffic from: ANY
    Using Service: 6080 tcp (or your definition name from above)
    Going to: YOUR WAN


    Change the destination to: Your internal web server
    And the service to: 80 tcp or http

    Tick automatic firewall rules (for the UTM to match the firewall rules to above)

    Make sure the DNAT is turned on ie the slider is green....... and voila!!

    You need to repeat this for the other rule too

  • And as a side note, personally...... I would do away with the DNAT rules and look towards using WAF (web server protection)

    It offers much more flexibility and protection than a straight forward DNAT.

    If you do decide to try this, make sure your DNAT is off as the traffic will never hit the WAF

  • And as a side note, personally...... I would do away with the DNAT rules and look towards using WAF (web server protection)

    It offers much more flexibility and protection than a straight forward DNAT.

    If you do decide to try this, make sure your DNAT is off as the traffic will never hit the WAF

  • I did the above and still it is not working :S, I cannot see the WAF option from my UTM (but for now will get it up and running using dnat then will check the WAF)

    I am using my public ip + port XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:6080


  • Have you got a source NAT or masquerade rule in place? ie Can the Nextcloud server reach the internet?
    Is the DNAT turned on?
    If you try to access the nextcloud server from the internet, can you see it on the live firewall logs? (make sure logging is enabled under advanced in the DNAT rule)

    Everything looks fine there now with regards to the DNAT.

    From memory, there might be something you have to do with Nextcloud to allow it to the internet as I think it might only allow local subnets in it's config file?

  • I am running apache on 6080 / 6443


    the server can reach the internet

    The Dnat is turned on both. I tried using both service http(80) and also nextcloud new port (6080)


    With regards to Masquerading I didn't configure anything now. I only have the the above + guest lan to uplink interface etc



    This is the firewall log

    Currently I am trying to access the default Apache startup screen (the below was accessed locally)

  • Hi,

    Why don't you try WAF ? (its called webserver protection on the UTM)


    Actually the picture you display for the DNAT (your last post) doe sNOT look correct. IT should display any > NEXTCLOUD and next line should display netcloud srv and then http port (if your local server runs on port 80)

    see my picture 

    Re verify your settings for that rule

    else why don't you try WAF ? (its called webserver protection on the UTM)

  • Brunomc is correct as you have changed this from the original screenshots: The order (as mentioned in my previous post) for the DNAT is:

    For traffic from: ANY
    Using Service: 6080 tcp (or your definition name from above)
    Going to: YOUR WAN

    Change the destination to: Your internal web server
    And the service to: 80 tcp or http   <<< you are now missing this part of the translation


    And as Brunomc has also stated, try WAF. It's far superior. Been there myself, DNAT's, SNAT's etc to start with because that was what I was used to. I now try to avoid all of those if possible and send everything through the proxies (and addititional protection) that the UTM provides

  • Alone among the logs, the Firewall Live Log presents abbreviated information in a format easier to read quickly.  Usually, you can't troubleshoot without looking at the corresponding line from the full Firewall log file.  If you want to continue this instead of switching to Webserver Protection, please post one or two lines corresponding to those above.

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • thanks for all for your feedback, after a reboot of the utm the port forwarding was working ...